I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I certainly did! And my precious granddaughters made it even sweeter. Cassidy, our seven month old, tried to open her gifts yet the paper pretty much just ended up in her mouth. But our two year old, Lily, really got into it. It was fun watching her tear away the wrapping then seeing her eyes light up as she spied the treasure inside.
We all know that feeling, although the excitement usually dims as we get older. Presents are a big part of Christmas as is removing the brightly colored paper to see what’s within. Unwrapping is fun and good when it comes to gifts. But how about when it gets more personal?
As I prayed about what to write today, the Lord led me to Psalm 139:23-24: Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (NIV) These have long been some of my favorite verses. Yet I had never seen them in light of Christmas. As a call for us to give ourselves to the Lord and allow Him to unwrap us. Not so He can see what’s inside, for He knows all things. But that He might bring to light what’s really going on in our hearts and minds so we can see and surrender it to Him. I’m taking some time to be unwrapped by God today. Maybe we all should.
Just something I need to do more often along the way.