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Seeking Jesus, living life, and sharing things



Who Am I?

I’m new at blogging, but feel as though I should introduce myself. That begs the question, Who Am I? It seems simple enough. I’m a wife, mother, mom mom, sister, daughter, friend, and breast cancer survivor. On my business card it says, Bible teacher, author, and speaker. But do any of those things describe who I am? Not really. They are roles I play, something I’ve experienced, and things I do.

So let’s try again. I’m a middle child – that in itself speaks volumes! But still doesn’t go to the heart of the question. The only way any of us can figure out who we are is to look beyond ourselves to the One Who created us. So here goes. I am a sinner saved by grace, made into a new creation by Jesus. I am unique and flawed and able to do anything as long as I tap into the resurrection power of Christ. I’m a soldier amidst an unseen battle, with powerful weapons I need to rely on moment by moment. I am an ambassador, commissioned to share the Good News, who is fully equipped to live a life that pleases the Lord and impacts eternity. I am God’s workmanship, created in His image, to do things He has prepared for me to do and will reveal in His perfect timing. All these things are true of you too, if you have a personal relationship with Jesus. If you don’t, contact me. I’d love to tell you how you can. [Rom 3:23-24, II Cor. 5:17, Ps 139:13-14, Rom 7:14-25, Phil. 4:13, Eph. 6:10-18, II Cor. 5:20, Matt. 28:18-20, II Peter 1:3, Eph. 2:10]

Just some things I’ve considered along the way.

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