Audio and Video Message Series

Do you struggle with fear? How about worry? Two things that can steal our joy and, at times, paralyze us. But what can we do about them? We need to stop believing the lie that it’s just how we’re wired. God continually tells us not to be anxious or afraid, and He never calls us to do something without equipping us to carry it out.
message series CD $8.00
message series DVD $12.00 (with companion book)
Say Goodbye to Fear and Worry
2 part message series

Do you ever feel weary? Are you completely exhausted by the end of the day and are not sure how you are going to make it through tomorrow? Do you question whether you are intelligent enough, have the necessary strength, or the time and energy needed to do and be all that God has called you to? Then I have some great news for you!
message series CD $15.00
message series DVD $25.00 (with companion book)
Fully Equipped
4 part message series

Would you say you are content? I imagine most of us struggle in this area, because our flesh is always crying out for more and we never seem to be satisfied with what we have, who we are, or what we have achieved. But does this same passion extend to our relationship with Jesus? Are we comfortable with our connection with Him, or do we seek and hunger for a greater intimacy with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?
message series CD $15.00
I Want More! Seeking Intimacy with Jesus
4 part message series

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Is there a burden that is too heavy for you to carry? Are there temptations that you consistently give into? Maybe fear or anxiety is like a cloud that always seems to be hanging over your head. Did you know it doesn’t have to be that way? God says we are more than conquerors in Christ!
message series CD $15.00
COMING SOON: message series DVD $25.00 (with companion book)
4 part message series

As Believers, we know that we are supposed to pray. But exactly what is prayer and how do we do it? Should we have a plan or just go with the flow of the Spirit? Do we need to watch our words, or can we say anything to our Heavenly Farther? Should we expect to hear from God as we come before Him, or is prayer merely a one-sided conversation?
message series CD $15.00
Talking with God Principles from Powerful Prayers
4 part message series

Does God really speak to us? Jesus says that His sheep know His voice and follow Him (John 10:4). Since our walk with the Lord is a relationship, it makes sense that it would go two ways. But what does that mean, and how does it look in our lives?
message series CD $15.00
message series DVD $25.00 (with companion book)
Can You Hear Me Now? Listening for and to the Lord
4 part message series

Do you sometimes feel sluggish in your relationship with Jesus, like you have lost your first love? We all go through times when we are not quite where we would like to be in our walk with the Lord, but the good news is, we don’t have to stay there! This four part audio message series can help us go from a stagnant to a vibrant relationship with Jesus, as we open the Scriptures together and study God’s Word.
message series CD $15.00
Stangant or Vibrant? How's Your Walk with the Lord?
4 part message series

Did you know that you are a jar of clay, an earthen vessel that is made from dust? Although that is true, you are so much more! We each have value because of the One Who created us. And those who receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior are filled with the treasure of the Holy Spirit!
message series CD $15.00
Jars of Clay
4 part message series

We were created to worship and we will so do, the only question is: Who or what will it be? Worship is more than the songs we sing or the service we attend on Sunday mornings. It is a moment by moment decision we make to lower ourselves and lift God up. But can we really live that way?
message series CD $15.00
Living a Life of Worship
4 part message series

Do you know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? Do you realize that when you bowed your knee to Jesus Christ and asked Him to be your Savior and the Lord of your life, He gave you spiritual gifts that He wants to use to impact eternity? Do you understand the part God has called you to play in the Body of Christ?
message series DVD $25.00 (with companion book)
Where Do I Fit? Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
4 part message series