To Know Him More:
Seeking God Through the Book of Acts
12 week in-depth Bible Study (8.25" x 10.75" 268 pages)
INTRODUCTION: “Who is the Holy Spirit?” (John 16:5-15) 33 min.
WEEK 1: “Final Instructions” (Acts 1:1-11) 32 min.
WEEK 2: “Walking and Leaping and Praising God” (Acts 3:1-10) 31 min.
WEEK 3: “Serving in Your Strength” (Acts 6:1-6/ I Cor. 12) 36 min.
WEEK 4: “A New Calling” (Acts 9:1-19;22:6-16;26:12-18) 46 min.
WEEK 5: “A Miraculous Escape” (Acts 12:1-19) 35 min.
WEEK 6: “Misplaced Excitement” (Acts 14:8-20) 32 min.
WEEK 7: “Not What You Might Think” (Acts 16:16-36) 46 min.
WEEK 8: “The Unknown God” (Acts 17:22-34) 31 min.
WEEK 9: “Holy Fear” (Acts 19:11-22) 27 min.
WEEK 10: “Strong Warnings” (Acts 21:1-16) 36 min.
WEEK 11: “Riding the Storm” (Acts 27:13-26) 33 min.
WEEK 12: “God’s Provision” (Acts 28:1-10) 27 min.
workbook $15.00
message series CD $30.00