More Than Just Seeing
How’s your eyesight? Mine’s not too bad, although it’s gotten worse over the years. I now need progressive lenses but don’t have to wear them all the time. Seeing is important. I have a friend who has vision issues. She’s lost sight in one eye and is extremely fearful she’ll go blind. The thought of which would send shivers up any of our spines.
But it’s not enough just to see. We need to interpret and act upon what our eyes or minds perceive. Otherwise, the information is useless to us.
The apostle Paul zealously persecuted the church until the risen Christ appeared to him and called him to preach the gospel to the Gentiles (non-Jews). We can learn a lot from Jesus’ words regarding Paul’s mission. They’re found in Acts 26:18: to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.' (ESV)
The truths of God can open eyes, but that’s only the beginning. It’s more than just seeing. The gospel is supposed to completely change our lives. How? Acts 26:18 tells us. Let’s break it down…
to open their eyes… God’s truth does this, but for very specific reasons…
…so that they may turn from darkness to light… Nearly all of us can visually distinguish light from darkness in the physical sense. Scripture helps us perceive it in spiritual and moral terms. But not just so we can know the difference. After all, we’re all born with a conscience (Rom 2:14-15). God opens our eyes so we can move away from the dark (sin) and towards the light. That enables us to…
…turn … from the power of Satan to God… This world is tainted by sin (Gen 3:17-18, Rom 8:19-21) and in the control of the Evil One (II Cor 4:4, I John 5:19, Eph 2:2, John 14:30). We are all under his rule until we receive Christ’s gift of salvation. Yet even as Believers, we often choose to go back to that dark domain. Like when we take up old habits or give in to temptation. But God opens our eyes so we can turn from dark to light when we’re saved, then continue to make the choice to stay in the light and out of the darkness each and every day.
…that they may receive forgiveness of sins… We can’t be forgiven of something we don’t know is wrong. God’s Word opens our eyes to the things we do, say, and think that are not pleasing to Him. This enables us to acknowledge our missteps or rebellion and accept the forgiveness that is only possible in Christ. When that happens, we receive…
… a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.' What does this mean? That we go from being an enemy of God to being reconciled or made right with Him (Rom 5:6-11)! We become His child (I John 3:1, Rom 8:12-17), His Spirit inhabits us (I Cor 6:19, Gal 2:20), and He promises to lead and equip us from that moment onward! That’s a place we all want to be in!!
God opens our eyes for greater purposes than just seeing. He wants to save and redirect us so we can know Him more fully, walk in His ways, be protected from the pitfalls and consequences of sin, and be with Him in glory.
Every time we rub our eyes or reach for our glasses, may it remind us that our Lord opens them for more than just seeing.
Just something I need to keep in mind of along the way.